The Benefits

Therapy Built for Fujitsu employees

Qualified team of Psychologists & Counsellors all accredited in Australia by ACA or APHRA with extensive experience, specialising in LGBTQIA+ mental health.

Exclusive Discounts

Fujitsu employees will receive exclusive discounts of 10% from individual therapy sessions.***

Medicare Rebates

Automated Medicare rebates we can process on your behalf. Making therapy even more affordable.**

No Waitlists, Free Introduction calls

No waitlists, see a therapist within 36 hours. Secure and confidential platform that can be accessed anywhere. Free introduction calls.


Private Fee sessions (50 min sessions - discount applied)
After Medicare Rebates** (50 min sessions - discount applied)
Clinical Psychologist
Private Fee (w/o Medicare rebates - discount applied)
After Medicare Rebates**
Registered Psychologist
Private Fee (w/o Medicare rebates)
After Medicare Rebates**
Private Fee
No Medicare Rebate
Private Fee
No Medicare Rebate

Important Wellness tips for Fujitsu LGBTQIA+ Employees

How to deal with misgendering

02 Feb, 2024
To start with this is incorrect. It should be “WHO are you anyway?” Still

Transphobia Hyper-vigilance - Tasha's Story

11 Feb, 2024
When I met my darling Transgender wife, she was 6 months out of Gender Realign

What is Transgender Euphoria?

10 Feb, 2024
Yes, I did mean to write EUphoria, NOT dysphoria. I imagine you have heard a l

Unboxing Pride in Strength

08 Feb, 2024
I routinely ask clients to describe how their character strengths help them ge

*All prices listed are in Australian dollars (AUD). Fujitsu employees receive a 10% discount on Unboxed Pride services for the duration of the partnership between Unboxed Pride and Fujitsu.

**Prices including Medicare rebates are subject to Fujitsu employees providing valid GP referrals and mental health plans for psychology sessions in Australia. If you are accessing the Unboxed Pride platform for services outside of Australia, Medicare rebates do not apply and the full private fee will be charged.  Terms of Service apply.

***Discount does not apply to reporting, wpath letters, couple counselling and some other services.