LGBTQIA+ Couples
& Relationship Counselling.

Our Approach

Welcome to a safe and inclusive space where love knows no boundaries. Our LGBTQIA+ specialised Couples Counselling is designed to support and empower individuals and couples within the LGBTQIA+ community. We understand the unique challenges and dynamics that can arise in LGBTQIA+ relationships, and our Qualified LGBTQIA+ psychologists & sex counsellors are here to guide you toward deeper connections, effective communication, and lasting happiness.

Are you and your partner facing challenges in your LGBTQIA+ relationship? Are communication breakdowns, identity struggles, or societal pressures impacting your love? Our LGBTQIA+ Couples Therapy is here to guide you toward a stronger, healthier, and more fulfilling relationship journey.


Price: $230 per session (1.5 hours)

LGBTQIA+ couples therapy can offer numerous benefits to couples in same-sex or gender-diverse relationships:

  • Cultural Sensitivity: LGBTQIA+-affirmative therapists possess a deep understanding of the unique challenges faced by queer individuals and couples, ensuring a safe and culturally sensitive space.
  • Navigating Identity: Therapy can help partners explore and embrace their individual and shared identities within the LGBTQIA+ spectrum, fostering self-acceptance and mutual understanding.
  • Intimacy and Sexuality: Couples can openly discuss intimacy and sexual concerns unique to LGBTQIA+ relationships, ensuring a fulfilling and satisfying connection.
  • Gender Transition: For couples involving transitioning individuals, therapy can provide a platform to discuss the emotional and relational aspects of the transition process.
  • Negotiating Open Relationships: For couples exploring open relationships, therapy can provide guidance on setting boundaries, managing jealousy, and maintaining trust.
  • Affirming Relationship Dynamics: Therapy helps reinforce healthy relationship dynamics by focusing on equality, mutual respect, and shared decision-making.
  • Long-Term Success: Learning skills through therapy can contribute to the long-term success of the relationship, promoting growth, adaptation, and resilience in the face of challenges.
  • Parenting Challenges: If couples are raising children, therapy can aid in addressing challenges related to parenting in LGBTQIA+ families, helping children understand and embrace diversity.
  • Effective Communication: Therapists can teach communication strategies tailored to LGBTQIA+ relationships, addressing issues related to coming out, pronouns, and gender expression.

Welcome to a safe and inclusive space where love knows no boundaries. Our LGBTQIA+ specialised Couples Counselling is designed to support and empower individuals and couples within the LGBTQIA+ community. We understand the unique challenges and dynamics that can arise in LGBTQIA+ relationships, and our Qualified LGBTQIA+ psychologists & sex counsellors are here to guide you toward deeper connections, effective communication, and lasting happiness.

Are you and your partner facing challenges in your LGBTQIA+ relationship? Are communication breakdowns, identity struggles, or societal pressures impacting your love? Our LGBTQIA+ Couples Therapy is here to guide you toward a stronger, healthier, and more fulfilling relationship journey.


Price: $230 per session (1.5 hours)

How Our Team Can Help

Our LGBTQIA+ affirming Psychologists and Counsellor offer support by developing a plan that may include:

A Safe Space to Talk

1. Inclusivity and Understanding: We are proud allies of the LGBTQIA+ community, providing a judgment-free environment where you can be your authentic self. Our therapists are extensively experienced working with LGBTQIA+ people and understand the nuances that can impact non-heterormative relationships.

2. Tailored Approach: Every relationship is unique, and we believe in personalized solutions. Our therapists take the time to understand your specific needs, concerns, and goals, creating a customized therapuetic plan that resonates with you and your partner(s).

3. Communication Enhancement: Effective communication is the cornerstone of a healthy relationship. We offer proven techniques to help you and your partner(s) express yourselves openly, listen empathetically, and resolve conflicts constructively.

4. Navigating Challenges: LGBTQIA+ relationships can face distinct challenges, from societal prejudices to family dynamics. Our counselling equips you with strategies to overcome these obstacles, fostering resilience and strengthening your bond.

5. Empowerment and Self-Discovery: Our counselling isn’t just about resolving issues – it’s also about personal growth. We encourage self-discovery, helping you understand your needs, desires, and boundaries, ultimately leading to more fulfilling relationships.

6. Building Intimacy: Intimacy goes beyond physical connection. Our therapists delve into emotional and intellectual intimacy, guiding you to foster a deeper and more meaningful connection with your partner(s).

7. Relationship Renewal: Whether you’re starting a new relationship or rekindling an existing one, our counselling provides a fresh perspective. We offer tools to reignite the spark, reestablish trust, and bring excitement back into your relationship.

8. Online Convenience: Accessing quality counselling can be accessed from your safe space, be it your home, couch or anywhere you feel comfortable talking. Our online sessions allow you to connect with our experienced therapists from the comfort and privacy of your own space.

The Importance of Therapeutic Context in LGBTQIA+ Relationships


If you identify in the LGBTQIA+ sphere, your relationship issues are unique and can significantly benefit from specialised LGBTQIA+ therapist who is in context. All our LGBTQIA+ therapists often share similar identities and experiences with their clients, which can foster a strong sense of empathy and connection. This shared background enables therapists to better understand the challenges that LGBTQIA+ couples face in a heteronormative society, such as stigma, discrimination, and coming-out experiences. Our therapists bring a depth of understanding and expertise that can greatly benefit LGBTQIA+ couples.

What Sets Us Apart?

  • LGBTQIA+ Affirming Approach: Our therapists are not only professionally trained but also sensitive to the unique experiences of the LGBTQIA+ community, creating an inclusive and understanding environment.
  • Customized Treatment: We recognize that every relationship is different. Our therapy is personalized to address your specific concerns and goals, ensuring that you receive the support you need.
  • Evidence-Based Techniques: Our therapists utilize evidence-based techniques to help you overcome challenges, fostering lasting change and growth in your relationship.
  • Confidentiality and Privacy: We prioritize your privacy and provide a confidential space where you can freely express yourselves without judgment.

Take the First Step: Investing in your relationship’s well-being is a powerful step toward a happier future together. Our LGBTQIA+ Couples Therapy is here to guide you through challenges, celebrate your successes, and empower you to build a love that stands strong against obstacles.

Our Team Are Here for You

We are here with you every step of the way and are committed to progress and supporting you in your journey.
 Therapist image

Mark Podesta

Registered Psychologist (GradDip & Postgrad Dip - Psychology)
LGBTQIA+ member, Male, Spiritual, Warm and Sensitive
General Psychologist (GradDip and Postgrad Dip -Psych)
$192.90 (Private Fee)
$99.55 (With Medicare Rebate)
  $230 – Couples Counselling
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Mark Podesta

Registered Psychologist (GradDip & Postgrad Dip - Psychology)
Alcohol & Drug Abuse
Anger management

Registered Psychologist (He/Him)

I'm a warm, caring, approachable person. I'll be guided by your strengths, needs and circumstances; empowering you to be able to create positive changes, cope with challenges and difficulties, and improve your overall wellbeing.