Bullying and discrimination can take various forms, including verbal abuse, physical abuse, social media abuse, or receiving inferior treatment to cause psychological harm. Unfortunately, we know that over 85% of LGBTIQ+ Australians have been victims of harassment, verbal or physical abuse at some point in their life. These experiences can have significant mental health outcomes, impacting us over a long period.
If you are experiencing any form of bullying, discrimination, or harassment, know you are not alone; bullying or harassment is never ok. There are many support resources and networks available to you. Please visit this page for Crisis support services if you require immediate support.
At Unboxed Pride, we stand by the right that all individuals, regardless of age, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, or gender, should be free from abuse, harm, or discrimination.
If you are experiencing any negative feelings as a result of bullying or discrimination, Our team of qualified therapists, psychotherapists, and counsellors are here to create a safe space to listen to your story with a lens of compassion and no judgment. We will help build support frameworks with tailored solutions for your healing journey.
Here are some common feelings that may come with bullying and discrimination.
- Extended periods of feeling sad, lonely, afraid, and isolated.
- Low self-esteem, self-doubt, a sense of shame, and guilt.
- It could leave you feeling confused and exhausted.
- Panic attacks or anxiety.
- Finding it hard to cope.
- Avoidance of socialising with particular groups/or avoiding social situations.
- Safety behaviour may occur, i.e. avoiding situations or complex environments where you feel you could be in danger.